
1st stop - London

I am not entirely sure, but I think I will be in the general area of the red star... When I used to live in London, I was near Bayswater north of Hyde Park near the purple star.

If you look at a map of the London Underground you will see the stops (Bayswater & Queensway) which are on the Circle and Central lines. They were relatively close to my flat. I used to get off on Holborn (Central) when I worked at the Books, Etc. store on High Holborn.

I will be in London just for the weekend. Then off to Denmark where I am hoping I FINALLY start working on art. These last few months have completely gotten me away from my artwork and I am anxious to dive back in.


Svend said...

You're taking the same route I'll be on, only it seems you're doing it first. I'm trying to get there within 3 months... we shall see.

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

Svend! Jimmer, good buddy, you have to keep in touch. I am in the UK right now. Wonderful hosts, here. I will have to take pics of the people and their two fine dogs. I don't leave for Denmark until Monday, so no art until at least then.

This is the longest I have ever gone without making art. I feel a serious itch

Svend said...

I will keep in touch! I can't wait to get to Denmark myself. Got lots to do! I'm about to make some serious art here in a week too, with my favorite model ;)

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

I think Denmark will be light on creating work and heavy on sketches, design, etc. I might be planning most of the next 12 months out while there. We shall see. Ireland and Paris will be the first real pushes toward actual finished projects. I feel like I am getting a slow start