
Activists Judges?

I know, I know, this blog is supposed to be here for the family and friends that wanted to keep tabs on the new art I will be making while on sabbatical. It will come. I am still up at Tahoe, though, where my focus was conducting a workshop this past week, not making my own art.

I was reminded today by a Bruce Van Dyke article about the hooey being tossed around in the media and by one side of the political spectrum about "the evils perpetrated by activist judges" where Van Dyke quoted Anne Quindlen's June 9th Newsweek article. The idea that judges are supposed to support the will of the majority (which would encourage them to change laws with the latest polls) is infuriating, so this quote is nice. She writes:

"The most sacred business of judges is not to ratify the will of the majority, but to protect the minority from tyranny."

What more can I add?

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