
Stranded at Gatwick

Well, I am 0 for 2. Actually, if you add the flight and my connection in Dallas the week before, I am 0 for 3. I will have to share that story someday.

So far, every airline has screwed up during this trip, even though (thanks to the wonderful Meg Pennycook) I was 2 hours early to Gatwick. This time it was Sterling Airlines, and there was only one check-in line for our flight, and consequently we literally moved less than 15 yards in more than an 1 hour and 45 minutes. I know what you are thinking, but no, I am not exaggerating. Some people were flabbergasted and furious. The flight had to be delayed by more than 2 hours. Garry, the gentleman that is going to pick me up at the airport in Billund, Denmark, has to drive nearly 1 1/2 hours to meet me. The flight will arrive after 1 AM local time, meaning there really is no way he will be asleep before 3 AM. This sucks ass. [update - even later than I thought. Got by luggage at 3 AM and we got into Ørslev Kloster at about 4:30 AM. grr]

Luckily, I have Skype and was able to call him on his cell phone so I could warn him how late I would be. He laughed it off as no big deal. It is, though. I guess I was equally lucky he gave me his personal number, as well.

Garry must be a very, very kind and generous soul.

Maybe Gary's kindness and Denmark will offset this bad joujou and set me on a good path. Everything else in London was fantastic (maybe a post on that, later), especially Meg, Claire, Andrew, Alim, Liban and the dogs, Karhu and Kulta. <- Now that was a wonderful and kind collection of good souls...

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