
Bald & Effective

I just have to pause to point out a couple of things.

First, this blog is really here just for the few friends and family members that want to see what I am doing and where I am going while on sabbatical. It is a journal, of sorts (I have never kept a journal, but I think I am right here). It is narcissistic in a way that makes me pretty uncomfortable.

Second, it is possible for interesting blogs to be created and maintained by truly insightful individuals. About anything. About all things. And, if that individual is entertaining and funny in ways I am not, all the more reason to follow it.

Enter Gundy's Bald and Effective. The only blog I honestly check out on a regular basis (with Mark's cartoons a second, mainly since posts are less frequent). Go, Baldy!

PS - Traveling to London today, then Ireland on Thursday. Likely no posts for a few days. Maybe a tweet here and there.


Dan G said...

Thanks for the shout-out, mister. But no need to be so self-deprecating. I like watching your process. It's sort of like learning how haggis is made!

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

you bastard - oh wait... was that a compliment?

Anonymous said...

I've always said that it takes a certain amount of arrogance to have a good blog...Not only does one have to believe they have something to say...TIM...but also that its so important that it can be put out there for others to see. I have the same problem with !!!shameless plug!!! http://medialogue.blogspot.com...I always have something to say, but I don't believe that people really care.

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

that's just because you like arguing with them, Mr. Windmillin'

ha! thanks for the comment and I welcome the plug. People will have to go check you out.