
Ørslev Kloster, Pt 3

I apologize for so many large images on one page (for those of you with slow connections). Normally I would try and keep the images to a minimum, with a little more text, or something. Oh, well...

I forgot to post this room. It is the other one in the line of rooms in the wing that is being renovated. Just outside is the patio and the garden area where I sometimes just relax, eat, or drink coffee, tea, or beer, depending on my mood.

I haven’t taken you inside the church. This is the outside.

This is the inside looking to the front.

This is a detail of the little warship that hangs above the congregation

(EDIT: Apparently, this section of a catholic church is known as the ship, and it was common for churches, especially along coastal regions, to have model ships hanging from the ceilings. However, so many churches have been robbed over the centuries that few churches still have their ships. They are apparently extremely valuable).

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