Extraordinary Rendition #1 [above] was completed earlier this year. This one was shown at the Bemis last Spring. All three of these images will be 4' x 6'

I just started what will hopefully be Extraordinary Rendition #2 (if I don't blow it on this one). Sloppy, nasty looking early version of the new drawing. I can't believe I am sharing it at this stage, but... I hope to get this one and the third one done this month. We'll see.
Apologies for the bad phone pic.

This is a detail of the first stage of the drawing. It might be weird to think that I approach drawings with the mindset of a painter, but I literally brush (using a paint brush) graphite on when I start a drawing, then refine with pencils as I go. I have a painter's approach in particular to large scale drawings. It is just faster that way. Maybe I am impatient or lazy. I don't know.
Nice to peek at this. I can't wait to see all three side by side.
Thanks. Sadly, if you refer to a more recent post, you can see #2 is already history. You saw history being made and destroyed right here online.
Now how exciting was that?
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