I won't be in Omaha on Nov 4th, so Beth and I voted early. I have been reading a lot (maybe too much and over informed) and watching seemingly every ad and every video I can find on both candidates' policies, etc.
I don't get why people are so fooled by the McCain snow job. I used to consider myself a moderate. The death of the traditional Republican party (these people are not the Republicans I grew up knowing) changed that. So did Bush and his inept administration. I am scared shitless by the McCain/Palin ticket and I am certain I will lose friends over this election since I believe anyone that votes for that ticket is beyond a lost cause. Only willful ignorance can gather votes for them.
This is not the usual "lesser of two evils" election year.
There is a very clear choice and the ridiculous lies and smears from the Right, along with the phenomenally dangerous policies (the war, the economy, you name it) and ideas put forward by McCain/Palin should have demonstrated for you long ago what kind of corrupt and deceitful administration they would run. Actions speak louder than words, and their actions have been shameful. It would be worse than simply a third Bush term (as if that weren't bad enough). Claiming it would be a third term for Bush is almost too generous.
And by the way, McCain is NOT a maverick (unless you count co-authoring legislation which you later vote against, which he has done repeatedly. If changing your mind every day and selling your soul to become president makes someone a maverick, well then...)
If you vote for McCain, never admit it to me. I will lose all respect for you and won't want to hang around you anymore.
Granted, for some of you, you might think that would be a plus...
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