
Art Week, part 3

[click on image for detail]

The RNG Gallery at Dixie Quicks in downtown Omaha is holding a Reception and Holiday Art Show/Sale this Saturday, December 6th from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. I know I rarely ever put any of my work up for sale, but it is for a good cause (to help the RNG). I will have a handful of slightly older pieces hanging alongside many great local artists. I don't have a complete list of participants, but here are some of the artists:

Jill Rizzo, Joey Lynch, Wanda Ewing, Larry Ferguson, Sue Knight, Liz Veracruz, Renee Ladesma Hoover, Rob Gilmer, Marr Lowe, Bill Hoover, Peter Cales, Joseph Broghammer, Amy Nelson, and many others...

People will be able to take work down the moment they buy it, so if you want to see the work, you will want to come early. I will have cheaper work which might sell earlier, and expensive work, which might not sell at all, even at drastically reduced prices (you know, the economy, and all)

Saturday, Dec 6th
6:00 PM - 10 PM

RNG Gallery
1915 Leavenworth Street
[Dixie Quicks Entrance]
Omaha, NE 68102

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