
Wikipedia experiment

Many months ago, a writer named Timothy Braun who teaches at the University of Texas in San Antonio, was explaining to his students why he would not allow them to use Wikipedia as a source for their papers. He emailed a few of his friends and asked them to alter his Wiki page. I documented what I was writing as web archive files. I seem to have lost one of them, but below are three of the four changes.

Granted, it probably isn't all that humorous if you don't know Tim Braun. Even if you don't know him, hopefully they are at least mildly amusing. It made a clear point that it was indeed very easy to alter the pages with blatantly false information (note the "new messages" link that threatened us for "vandalizing" the page). Of course, it would have been just as easy to use mildly incorrect information, but it wouldn't have been as fun.

The following web archives should work fine on a Mac, but might need to be downloaded first on Windows, then opened in Safari. Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the files (even though your browser may warn you so).

NOTE: Apparently only people on Macs can view "archive" files. Sorry Window users. If there is a Windows expert out there with a fix, let me know.

Version One
Version Two
Version Four

Sadly, version three appears to be lost forever.

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