
Angel ... audio

Just a quick comment. Again, Mark Roper wrote Angel and is the poet I worked with at the Tyrone Guthrie Center at Annaghmakerrig. I told him that I would not post the audio file of the narration. I don't want to give everything away, especially since I am already spoiling so much by updating you with images. I was thinking of making an animatic, but decided against posting something like that, as well.

However, I really wish you could hear the audio that is nearly complete (but I can't bring myself to post). The poem is so good. Mark's narration sounds perfect (Thanks in large part to Sandy's excellent equipment). And, when I was in Paris, I worked with Maureen Evans-Hansen and Patrick Michaud on music. Maureen essentially did the music (Patrick was mainly the technician. And then there was me towering over her shoulder constantly making comments ... poor, patient Maureen).

Well, I hadn't listened to the sound file since August when I was last experimenting with timing/pauses, extra sound effects, etc. Of course, I have read the poem or heard the narration so many times. I know it forwards and backwards. I know what the voice of Angel sounds like (I have come to know him as just Angel rather than "the angel")

Yet, when I played it a few days ago, I got goosebumps when Angel sings


and a side note, I also still think Sandy's narration for the fetus story is funny. I don't know if I will ever pursue that piece, though ... sadly, I think it has been abandoned

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