
New Pacific Studio, pt 2

Some of these images have larger detail images linked to them. Click if you see the little hand.

That's Kay Flavell, the Director of the New Pacific Studios. She took me up on a long hike on her neighbor's 350+ acre farmland so we could see NPS from above.

This is about a third of the way into our walk.

If you click to view the detail and look really hard (centered vertically and about a third in from the right) you can see the NPS from where we were standing.

This is a telephoto shot of that area where you can see the back of the NPS.


Unknown said...

Sheesh... gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man! Do I ever wish we could have made this trip! What beautiful and wild country!

Unknown said...

I need to get to the coasts. I still haven't done that...