
New Zealand or Bust

I will be traveling for the next few days (technically, I leave on Jan 1 and arrive in New Zealand on Jan 3rd). I decided to schedule at least one post for each day so things keep appearing here while I am traveling. That way, if you miss me (you never know - it could happen), you can still visit here and see something. Plus, if I die in a fiery plane crash (maybe more likely than missing me), you can pretend I am still alive by visiting here for the next few days. Won't that be fun?

This is a map of New Zealand. I will be staying on the southern part of the north island, north of Wellington.

By the way, did you notice the link below wishing my Dad a happy birthday? Won't you join me in wishing him a happy b-day by posting a comment? You will? Aw, you're the best...

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