
Fly poops in my beer

I have actually been working on projects and will post stuff soon enough, but first, this distraction for my Dad.

My Dad asked for an example from the Sony HDR-SR11 and I accidentally captured just what he was asking for. Well, he didn’t ask for poop in a bottle, but...

Granted, the YouTube version of this will look like crap, but you get the idea (plus, this is all handheld, which doesn't help). This linked version is not full resolution and is only a fraction of the actual HD (1080) size, but still, it says a lot about the camera when I can zoom in this close and capture details like wing veins and miniscule fly hairs. Oh, and if you pay attention about 50 seconds in, you can see the camera is so good it can capture a fly taking a dump in a beer bottle. Yep, it actually pauses to concentrate on its own BM. Imagine the detail in the full version that is too big for me to post online.

Don’t like bugs? You won’t like this. Especially if you’re in denial about what they do in our food.

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