
Ørslev Kloster, Pt 2

Here are some more images of some of the rooms. Even under renovations the place is still beautiful.

I sometimes use this room to access email, but the WiFi signal is weak here. All of this wing is under serious renovation. Garry and his wife are archeologists and have put a lot into researching the history of the monastery. You can see where they are even researching every different color the rooms have been painted.

This is one of the hallways that connects to the room I usually sit in to talk on Skype or email.

Aside from my room, this is the room I sit in most. It has the strongest WiFi signal aside from the actual room the computer is in (which I don't need, of course). There is a painting on each ceiling.

The Ørslev Kloster cat that keeps the mice away.


SORG said...

cheeky bastard–not even sure what cheeky means.

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

The first time I heard someone say cheeky (in person) I had already concluded it was a mash-up of "bratty" and something akin to "little shit" - and since she was talking about her daughter, I was a little surprised. Turned out it is pretty much just means being a smart-aleck... I was disappointed