I was talking with my parents video Skype video chats. I don't recall what my Dad and I were talking about or why I snapped a pic, but if you look in the top right corner, you can see my old iPhone aimed at the screen. Free video chats were good. Skype is great when it works. It sucks when it doesn't (how Beavis and Butthead of me).

The final few days in London I hiked around with Meg and had a wonderful time. Here she is with a guard.

She likes Marmite. I feel like I am tasting a salt lick when I try it...

Here is a final pic of Kulta

and here is Karhu. I have pics of Andrew and Claire somewhere. Geez. I better find them.

Now Mark has me seeing Kingfisher references everywhere. Claire got this beer when we went to a nice Pakistani place for dinner the last night I was in London.

I saw a hostel when I was walking near the St. Peter's. Just a pic for me (I stayed at so many Youth Hostels all over Europe when I traveled here ages ago...)
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