My little brother Max was playing at a high school theater in a town nearby, so I drove out to attend the performance. He is so damned talented... I took a quick snapshot with my old iPhone (new iPhone doesn't seem to take better photos... hmm)

This was one of the "mistake" images. I like it. I still think someone needs to organize an iPhoto eXhibit somewhere. The unexpected photos from the phone are kinda cool

I was talking with a friend overseas how the midwest gets tornados and how we have warnings, etc, as well as tornado drills when we are school kids. This sign was hanging in a dark corner in the school. Every school in the midwest has tornado drill signs and maps.
TIM!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! gus just randomly sent me your youtube video of sarah p's voice over miss s. carolina's bod. i sent it around and laughed and all. then i looked more closely at the name of the guy who put it together and HOLY SHIT!!! gus had no idea who made it, just thought it was fab enough to send around.isn't the world fucking TINY!??!??!?!?!?!? btw, thanks for posting mark's amazing essay...
ha - hey Gretchen! How's NY? Yeah, I guess that video has 65,000 views, or something like that, and I made it as a joke in a very short period of time (couldn't tell?). Silly. And, yes, isn't Mark a talented one?
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