
Happy Birthday, Dad!

You guys were so sweet to wish my Mom a happy birthday that I thought I would point out my Dad's birthday.

Please wish my Dad a Happy B-Day! As you can see, he is enjoying retirement.

(Just leave comments by clicking on "comments" just below and choose the "Name/URL" option button where you leave your comments. First name is fine!)


ArtsyFartsyTim said...

Happy B-day, Dad!



Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Bob!

Love, Beth

Vonster said...

Happy birthday Tim's Dad! Your son is a stand up guy.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Bob from Denmark! Hope the cards go your way tonight.
Every country has their own canny New Year habits, but one fun New Years tradition is how they all come flying into the New Year. A few seconds to midnight everyone stands one a chair, sofa whatever and on the stroke of mmidnight - you all jump into the New Year. Good fun. Mind yourselves now!
Good luck. Garry

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from Ireland Bob!
Very best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bob!!! We love your son Tim here in Nevada and I lost my dad in 1990 so I am sending you all my love that I send to my dad. A dad is the most amazing person in the whole wide world. You have raise an incredible son and I have called your house to find Tim. He is exhibiting new work in Reno in July, you and your wife should come to the opening and the lecture that Tim doesn't know is happening.

Jill Berryman, Sierra Arts, Reno

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Robert. I met you years ago along with your wife, but you won't remember me. I thought Tim's parents are cool! That is so cool to have a birthday on New Years!

Anonymous said...

I mean New Years EVE!!

Unknown said...

Greetings from Ireland Bob!

I will have a drink in your honour tonight!

Have a great Birthday!


Unknown said...

Happy birthday, father of Tim.

Once just a gleam in your eye

Your son has become a great guy

Forward and back it's all the same

For you have a palindromic name

Without further adieu

I wish a happy birthday to you!

Kim Carpenter said...

Happy Birthday, Mr. Guthrie.
You have a sweet son.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bob! You have an awesome day and go celeebrate and do the town up red!

Skyelar Hawkins

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from Scenic (and cold) Las Vegas.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from Holland, Mr. Guthrie!!

Dan G said...

Happy birthday, Bob! You've raised a hell of a son, and a hell of an artist.
Best, Dan

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Wishing you the best in the New Year.


Tim Moore said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Guthrie. It's been a very long time since we chatted. Thinking of you on your birthday. My Dad's was just last week.

Tim Moore

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday & Happy New Year from cold and snowy Boston!! Best wishes and have a blast! Kay

Karen Zuegner said...

Happy Birthday, Lovely Dad of Tim. Have a beautiful day and many happy returns!

BryGuy said...

Dear Mr. Guthrie,
I wish you the Happy of Birthdays! A good friend of mine once said that birthdays are the most important day of the year because if it wasn't for your birth, you wouldn't be able to grace the earth with your presence! So your birthday is a special day!

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

happy birthday, tim's dad!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mr. Guthrie! It was great to finally meet you earlier this year.
And have a happy New Year, too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob -- Happy Birthday!!! I hate to think how long it has been since we sat at the Malcontents' Table in Faculty Dining because that says how old both of us have gotten. Have a good one!
Eileen Wirth

directEDGAR Work Blog said...

Happy Birthday Bob -wow you and my sister Patti share the same birthday. Tim didn't tell us how young/old you became today. My sister Patti turns 49 Renee, Patrick and I really like having your son and Beth as neighbors.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Mr. Guthrie.


Hope you have a great day, and an excellent New Year's Eve celebration.

Tim is a great guy. You done good. Thanks for sharing him with the world.

Enjoy your day, and may you have a fantastic year to come.



ArtsyFartsyTim said...

You guys are the BEST! Thanks, and please keep it up!

Peace, love, and all the good stuff for the New Year


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bob...we've got the blanket ready for the blanket toss, Pam promises to hold on this time!

Miss you....

Cindy Workman

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob,

Happy Birthday! Okay, I remember I still owe you a lunch. Sometime in the New Year, I promise.

Don Doll, S.J.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year one and all!
We celebrated with good friends and lots of chocolate! And yes, Garry, the cards did go his way last night. They beat us both games! We celebrated the New Year in style! Even Bailey, our little rat terrier went along and met a big, new friend named Oso (means bear.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the good wishes. Everybody lifts a glass on my birthday, so all of you should, too. Though I don't personally know all of you, the wishes mean much to me. I turned 76 and it is good to be here. Cheers!

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

Thanks for wishing my Dad a happy birthday! Dont worry if you think it is too late. It is never too late

Don't worry if you've never met him. Everyone that knows him well will wish him a happy birthday in person (for example, none of my brothers wished my Mom a happy birthday here and it will likely be the same this time, it appears, so this is really a place for my friends). It is just always nice to send good vibes someone's way even if you don't know them personally

I hope it is a good start to the new year for all of you. I am at the airport and the next 20 hours may hint at what the year holds for me...

Thanks again. Peace


Anonymous said...

Happy B day Mr G
From one of Ragin' Tims Bran buddies. Mine is Jan 7th. Salud from a fellow capricorn.
Rick E Larue

Timothy Braun said...


Anonymous said...

Hope it was a good one, keep on celebrating everyday!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Bob from fabulous Toledo. I think your son Tim is a cool guy and I'm happy to call him my friend.


Nebraska Women's Caucus for Art said...

Happy Birthday, Bob. I'm remembering chocolate cheesecake and lots of laughing in our shared Creighton cave. Take care and hope to see you soon! Love, Lori

SORG said...

happy happy BDay Bob, yeah Tim's stand up, you guys musta done sumthin right!

Anonymous said...

TooToo meow's Happy Birthday to Bob!!!!

TooToo is a cat relative of Tim's neighbor to the north.
He wishes to send a picture of himself to you
but cannot figure out how to do that.

The funny thing is that TooToo's second name
is Bob.

sent by nellie, cause i can type.