
David Duchovny & Téa Leoni

One other thing... we ran into David Duchovny & Téa Leoni when we were out at dinner in Flagstaff. I stopped in a chocolate shop to get a treat for Mark, Monet and Leaf. Duchovny was playing with his son and let him hang from his neck (standing up a little so he dangled) and Téa was teasing her daughter about something at the counter. I was standing next in line. I didn't get out my iPhone because I thought it would be rude, especially since I thought I had accidentally cut in front of someone else.

I asked Duchovny if I had cut in line and he smirked and said "I don't know. Maybe."

I apologized to the family to my side and moved and the father responded "We're just looking." So, I stepped back in my original spot and said "I guess not." Duchovny just smirked again and raised his eyebrows.

They seemed like a happy family to me and they were courteous and polite. When I got back to our table in the restaurant, everyone was talking about seeing Duchovny walk by... no one seemed to remember her name so I found myself repeating, "Her name is Téa Leoni."


Unknown said...

Very cool--I saw them drive into town yesterday in their Coach RV. Glad they were having fun in Flag!

Enaz said...
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Enaz said...

That's pretty cool, I saw them at the bowling alley last night. David Duchovny wasn't too bad at bowling, can't say the same for Téa Leoni however.

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

This random post gets by-far more hits than any other single post. Collectively, all of the hits for the Honda Insight garner the most hits, though... It was fun to run into Duchovny and Leoni, though