
Driving, again

Me driving on the left side of the road...

by the time this automatic post goes up, I will already be in Wellington (via train) and I will start driving up the west coast of the north island.

Hopefully I don't hit any hedgehogs. Gundy would not be too pleased if that happened. I nearly hit this little guy last week. Since I was going slow on an unpaved road, I thought I'd take a snapshot (of his butt, apparently, since he was too camera shy to turn around).

That also means I might not be able to put up posts for a few days. I will try to line up some auto-posts.


Dan G said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, wooky da wittle hedgy-hedgy! Who's da poogie-woojie-koojie?

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

ha - You need to be medicated