
New Pacific Studio, pt 3

I can't believe my time at NPS has gone by so quickly. When I was in Denmark, I essentially worked on things that I could have done anywhere and afterwards thought, "Why didn't I actually immerse myself in Denmark?" I mean, Ørslev Kloster was a GREAT residency run by this very cool guy, Garry, but still ... I didn't take advantage of the country other than to cycle around.

While at the residency in Ireland, I definitely did more things that were specific to the project and I actually took time to see and use parts of Ireland and Annaghmakerrig. That was a smart move, of course.

So, I decided at the last minute before the New Zealand residency to handle it very differently. The proposal was sent well over a year ago when I was still toying with nuclear testing research (which reminds me, Kay found some great articles in the local paper - I will have to write about that later). Now I am focused on very different projects, mostly relating to the environment. So, I decided I better actually see and experience New Zealand and the environment rather than just sit in front of a computer for several weeks.

So, I traveled. Fun, but more importantly, I spent a lot of time just thinking while driving. This might come across as self-indulgent or extravagant, but it may ultimately have turned out to be a good move. I resolved parts of the animation, designed new pieces, and resolved part of the upcoming Fontenelle exhibit all by just getting away from everyone and everything and just thinking... It was like going on the longest, coolest walk ever.

I am not sure what to share here until I commit some of the things to paper or digital file.

I can share this, however: I brought a part of Fontenelle Forest with me to NPS. I wove the branches into the bark of a tree at NPS so they were roughly pointing toward Fontenelle.


Unknown said...

Surely you have seen the work of Andy Goldsworthy? This just made me think of him. :)

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

I love Goldworthy, as you might guess