

Just in case I can’t get on the internet for a few days, again, here is another scheduled post. On my way to the West Coast, I saw this Lime Works yard. It looked like it had snowed all over the nearby trees. A weird contrast from everything else.

And speaking of snow, Mark Herrman took this in front of his house in Spokane a couple of weeks ago. They got 60” of snow in the two weeks following Christmas. Rumor was it was up to 96” of snow in the month following Christmas.

He also took this great one of Ingrid shoveling snow off the roof.

I should feel bad that I am enjoying 70º+ weather while people back in the States are getting clobbered with winter.

... but I don’t.

Does that make me a bad person?


Anonymous said...

HOLY COW! I'll put up with a day or two of -15 degrees (like this morning), as I know it will warm up some eventually, rather than have to scoop all THAT snow!!! Even if it IS pretty!!!

Anonymous said...

-29F actual Temp, Tim, live it up. I don't know what those penguins are whining about, all they have to do is stand around in a huddle for a few months, they don't have to risk losing important parts to walk the dog or get the mail or scrape the windshield.


But no, it doesn't make you a bad person. All those OTHER things do, though.