
All Politics Is Loco

Omaha has three viable candidates running to be our next Mayor: Jim Suttle (D), Hal Daub (R, and previous member of the US House of Representatives and Mayor from ’95 to ‘01) and Jim Vokal (R).

I work with a liberal colleague who plans to vote for the Republican candidate Vokal because Suttle appears to be an idiot (and we don’t want a Blagojevich). Maybe he likes Vokal because he lives in his neighborhood (talk about local). Or, maybe he is the best candidate. I don’t know. All I know is I’ve never really trusted politicians and still quote the following joke that I’ve been telling since college:

Question: How do you know when a politician is lying?
Answer: His lips are moving.

Sadly, that joke has been far too true this past decade, but there is no question I have recently been far more upset with the Right. Carville famously said, “Politics is like the circus: the worst job is cleaning up after the elephants.” I am so vocally thrilled that Obama was elected that at least one local Omaha “friend” posted nasty comments on this blog. Dems are considered Communists by some in the mid-west (insert eye roll), so it is always amazing when a Dem is elected here that isn’t really just a Republican that simply wears a blue tie. Yeah, I’m looking at you and your vote last week, Sen. Nelson.

With only three real candidates in the mayoral race, one Democrat and two Republicans, you’d think it is an uphill battle for Suttle. Omaha admittedly occasionally elects Democrats for Mayor. The city is the blue spot in a very red State. However, after watching the ads by Suttle, I am wondering if my colleague is correct. Dumb politicians run dumb campaigns.

Watch the video and tell me this isn’t a stupid campaign.

I mean, all three candidates could run idiotic puns if they wanted to, but only one has.

“I’m Jim Suttle, but I’m not subtle about Omaha!”

“Hi! I’m Jim Vokal and I’m vocal about Omaha!”

“I’m Hal Daub, and by golly, I’ve daubed around in politics for years, so vote for me!”

Okay, so I made the last two up, but I wish I had made the first one up. I would have liked to see a good candidate for Mayor. I’m not sure we have one, regardless of what I am told...

Local politics in the mayoral race is loco this year.

1 comment:

Peter Cales, Artist & Designer said...

This is not just loco, but just plain stupid and ineffective. It's probably one of those things where Suttle had wanted to use the very obvious play on words for something, and thought, "Hey, I'm running for mayor - I have an easy slogan!" Except... even if it weren't really, really shitty, it doesn't even make sense. What does he even mean to say?