
Mike Dibb

When I was at the Blue Mountain Center, I met Mike Dibb, a documentary filmmaker from the UK. Mike learned of an inmate named Donny Johnson at the Pelican State Prison. He was introduced to him by a friend of his, Steve Kurtz, and he has been corresponding with him for some time. Donny has been in solitary confinement for 20 years. In order to try and stay sane, Donny began to create tiny paintings. Since he isn't allowed paint or brushes, he has had to improvise and has made brushes from his own hair, and paints by extracting ink from pens and by dissolving the coatings on M&Ms and Skittles candies for color. He started mailing them to Mike after they started corresponding.

Here is another detail:

And this is the back of the card he painted it on.


Tim Moore said...

Which came first...the art or the artist?

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

Stop posting on my blog. ;)