
NZ vs US

I have been taking plenty of pictures when I can, but I often don’t take any pics at all. I should take more (I took exactly zero with the Nikon on Friday, but I did take lots of video). It is interesting how much some areas remind me of parts of the US. All I have to do is use a little imagination.

At one point, I could be in western Montana. Another point at the foothills of the Rockies in Colorado (but without mountains as large), or somewhere in California, especially on the coast along Highway 1. Parts are like the coast of Oregon, or the forests in Virginia or Appalachia. One part even reminded me of how the Niabrara River cuts through bluffs in western Nebraska.

What makes it all the more amazing is how everything is so close together. I can drive an hour and I have moved from Montana to the coast of Oregon. Another 30 minutes later, I might be in Wyoming and 20 minutes after that, in Hawaii.

The exception to the rule is the west coast. Most parts west of the mountain range are like Hawaii. Lots of tropical rainforest.

It sounds like there is a central part of the north island where it is a little like Yellowstone National Park. I will go there the first week of February.

Of course, there are plenty of things that are unique to New Zealand. I will try and take more images of those things over the next few days. I am almost certain I won’t be posting any video before returning to the New Pacific Studio. Unfortunately for posting purposes, I am taking more video than stills.

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