
iPhone posting day

Okay, so I admit I have been lazy about taking images with the Nikon in favor of video with the Sony HD. However, I do still snap the random iPhone pic. Since you are reading this, that means I did not have access to the internet to put up a different post [this is a scheduled post I created on Friday, New Zealand time, when I had internet access. Since it appeared here, that means I was unable to intercept it before it scheduled to automatically post itself].

With the explanation for the post out of the way, what follows are the images. Don’t ask me to over explain these.

I got a free local paper at one hotel. It was wrapped with so much cellophane that I originally gave up unwrapping it and tossed it to the floor (what a waste). I finally was curious enough about the weather to finally finish unwrapping it. After reading about Apple stock falling on the news of Steve Job’s health (get better, Steve) and Osama Bin Laden’s new tape (really?), I finally checked out the weather.

It is apparently usually rainy on the western side of the island, and this week appears it will be no exception. Dang it.

Here is the route I am traveling. Making good time in a car. I am driving about 4-6 hours a day and hiking around and taking pics about 5-7 hours a day. Seems like a good balance. Long days with only enough time left over for eat and sleep.

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