
Roaring Meg

Once, again, a load of iPhone pics...

As I was driving, I ran across the Roaring Meg. I decided to pull over for a look.

Didn’t seem all that roaring to me, but Meg only occasionally roars, so maybe it was just bad timing on my part. I took pics because Meg complained that some of her friends think our relationship is based entirely on food. Specifically, Oreos. I thought pics of the Roaring Meg would disprove this notion.

But since I am on the subject of Meg and food that reminds me of her ...

When in a grocery store, I spotted these Marmite Scrolls. Nastly little rolls made with nasty Marmite. Meg loves Marmite. Yeah, yeah, yeah - I know - I’m sure there are a lot of Marmite fans out there. I am just not one of them, and this made me gag just a tiny bit.

Speaking of food that made me gag a tiny bit ...

I stopped at this lovely little fruit stand. I got some kiwi, fresh picked cherries (many orchards lined the highway) and some various other fruits and things. All wonderful stuff.

Then I saw this dried kiwi. “I like kiwi.” I told myself. “I like dried fruit.” So I bought a bag. ...meh. Not at all what I was hoping for. I have barely touched them.


Anonymous said...

Where abouts are you now?

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

Back at New Pacific Studio. I will be working on my computer for the next four days.

Anonymous said...

Look out indeed when Meg is roaring....though I am easily placated with plenty of oreos...

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

Although none of those weird Oreo variations... only the original will do