
NAC Awards & Roster Artists

Congratulations to the NAC fellowship winners (especially Creighton faculty Brent Spencer [distinguished!] and Mary Helen Stefaniak). This year's category was Literature. We have some great writers here in Nebraska.

The NAC also chose the "roster artists and ensembles" for the year for the Nebraska Touring Program/Exhibits Nebraska. They picked two in music, one in visual arts (me) and two in ballet/opera. Congrats to this year's representatives:

Mary Carrick and Todd Brooks, Omaha - Musical Theatre: "Some People: Songs from Broadway & Beyond", a musical theatre performance.

Daniel Christian, Tecumseh - Music: Original pop, rock and country performed on piano and guitar.

Tim S. Guthrie, Omaha - Visual Arts: Installation exhibition of drawings and videos that relate to the U.S. practice of extraordinary rendition.

William Wolcott, Omaha - Music: Full recital and concerto piano performances and masterclass workshops in violin.

Omaha Theater Ballet, Omaha - Ballet: "Confetti", a showcase performance of contrasting dance styles.

Opera Omaha, Omaha - Opera: "Voices in Residence", a presentation for students and communities focusing on operatic instrumental and vocal music appreciation.

There is also a great lists of artists for the "Artists in Schools/Communities" program. Check out the Nebraska Arts Council web site for full details and more information.

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