
Schrager Collection

Phillip Schrager has an amazing private collection of art and he has a very consistent vision of contemporary art. So, it was nice that he opened the Phillip Schrager Collection of Contemporary Art to the public this weekend. Naturally I stopped by to take a look.

Admittedly, we don't have a lot of collectors in the Omaha area, so it is nice to see for that reason alone. Really, though, what is nice is the quality of the art. There are plenty of big names (Antony Gormley, Julian Schnabel, Brice Marden, Georg Baselitz, David Salle, Jonathan Borofsky and Jim Dine just to name a few). It has to be one of the more impressive private collections I've seen. You normally have to visit a public museum to see so many pieces like this in one place, or see pieces like this at all. I am pretty certain he opens this collection up to the public every year, but if you missed it and want to see it at another time, you can also make an appointment.

If you have a love for contemporary art, then I highly recommend it.

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