
Wii Fit insults me

Okay, so I bit the bullet and got the Wii Fit for our Wii. We made little Mii avatars (mine is Timii) and started experimenting.

I don't know what is more insulting... being called a couch potato:

or watching my Mii grow super fat after I weighed myself (I don't look that fat, do I??). Seriously, I think it even went "whoooop!" and the belly grew like it was about to explode, cartoon-style. Not only that, but the avatar got bug-eyed and freaked out, then stared in dismay at how fat it was. I'm not kidding. It stared down at its belly with big surprised eyes. I have proof:

Then it went on to call me obese. In fact, it didn't just call me obese, but put me at the top end of obese.

I asked Beth, "Shouldn't this be using positive reinforcement instead of hurling insults at me?"

She responded, "Well at least you weigh 50 lbs less than the maximum weight the Wii Fit allows."

What? Now I am getting insults from every direction? I never thought a fat guy could feel so small.

Thank you Wii Fit!


J3SS said...

the boyfriend is 6'5" and 230 lbs ...it thinks he's obese as well. am 5'7" and 140,and it tells me I'm borderline, in addition to calling me clumsy and wondering aloud if I fall down a lot when I walk. ahh, the japanese. it is pretty awesome to watch the seven year old break all our records at the hoolahoop game, though. :)

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

at 6' 5", that weight would be acceptable. I DO need to lose weight, so I can't complain too much. But, sheeesh, did the Fit have to hurl so many insults at me? pthpthtpht

Anonymous said...

One more reason not to by Wii Fit!

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

Ha! Well, I admit I still like it. Maybe I just like being treated poorly ...